My Why

One day, the thought randomly hit me. I was no longer picking out my daughter’s outfits and she was spending more time, alone, in the bathroom. I don’t know when it started to happen, but it happened … fast! 

I was doing her hair one morning, and she told me that she didn’t like the style, she didn’t like her hair pulled away from her face. She had an opinion, and a valid point as to why! As a stylist, I ask women how they feel about their finished look all the time. I didn’t even think to ask her. I realized, even though I acknowledged the physical changes, I hadn’t shifted my mind as fast as she shifted to into the early stages of mentally becoming a young woman.

Yikes! I now have a preteen! 

Her ideas about herself are now being formed, and if I wasn’t aggressively investing in that, who was?! The media, society, the internet, bullies at school, her peers…? Her idea of herself is now being established. Especially her idea of beautiful. 

Her confidence in caring for herself…

Think back, who taught you how to take care of your hair as you transitioned from childhood to teen years? 

Your answer to this question, impacted your hair care journey at some point (high school, college, motherhood, quarantine…) or in some way (your ability to manage your hair, how you feel about your hair, what to look for in a stylist).

a little goes a longer way

Our mission is to maintain the health of their hair, support a healthy mindset concerning their appearance and to prevent the common hair struggles associated with the changes the phase of life brings.